Get Involved

Sunday School

Sunday School is available to all youth ages 4-10 and takes place during worship. Children are invited to join our youth minister up front for children’s time during worship before heading out for their lesson.

Join us as we journey through the Bible!


Every year we hold confirmation classes. These classes are held with the pastor and youth coordinator to help the students in their decision to become full members of the church at the end of the course.

To learn more about confirmation in the United Methodist Church, CLICK HERE.

Vacation Bible School

Every summer we hold a Vacation Bible School for ages 4-12. Each year has a different theme built around making it fun to learn important Bible and life lessons.

Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming dates and themes each year and join in the fun!

All are welcome whether church members or not!

Join Our Choir!

If you love to sing, we would love to have you join our choir!

We practice every Wednesday night at 7:00pm and sing most Sunday mornings.

Come and make a joyful noise unto the Lord!

Youth Group

(welcoming ages 11 thru 18)

Our youth group meets

every Wednesday from 4pm-5pm.

Youth Worship and meals are provided afterwards!

Volunteer Today!

If you are looking for a chance to give back to the River Falls community or need volunteer hours, click here for upcoming opportunities!

Food Pantry

Open Monday and Wednesdays 1-4pm and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 10am-1pm. We are also always looking for volunteers to staff the pantry. If you can help, contact our church office.

Community Breakfast

Join us the second Saturday of each month for our Free Community Breakfast served from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall

More Ways to Get Involved:

Shopping with a Purpose – Join us following worship once a year for an opportunity to shop with a purpose. Each year a variety of tables are set up in our fellowship hall to host stands selling sustainable products, meaningful books, and a variety of fundraising opportunities. Our 2023 Shopping with a Purpose will be on December 10th.

Tools for Schools – Tools for Schools is a national teen-led initiative providing students in need with the necessary tools to succeed. Spirit of Grace collects money and supplies to support this important mission each year. Everyone is invited and encouraged to help organize the supplies on August 19th and 20th, 2024. For more information, visit

United Women in Faith – The United Women of Faith is a United Methodist Church based group that aims to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities. The Spirit of Grace chapter meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 1:30 pm. For more information, please visit

Giving Tree – The Giving Tree is a donation drive event held every year leading up to Christmas. The goal of this project is to help provide Christmas presents to families that may not have otherwise been able to afford them. Each year a Giving Tree is placed in our gathering area with a collection of paper ornaments placed on it. Each ornament describes the age and gender of one child in need as well as some of the things they enjoy and need.